"All in" or not at all đź«Ą
​Hey Income Flippers,
Last week I was reminded of the importance of playing “all in”.
This week, in 5 min or less I’m going to share how to go “all in” so that you can start focusing your energy and mind on the right actions to help you supercharge your business.
Have you ever stopped to think about what “all in” looks like?
Close your eyes for a second and think about a time you watched someone go “all in.”
How would you describe their training? What was their level of intensity? How did they show up? What challenges did they face on the journey? What did they accomplish? Let me remind you of some examples of what going “all in” looks like…
Example: Rocky, David Goggins, Koby Bryant, USA during World War II.
Insert any hero or team that has ever inspired you here __________.
What do all these people or teams have in common? They made a decision to commit to a dream. To focus on what they wanted to become and what they wanted to achieve.
To do that they were willing to sacrifice for it. Pay a price for it.
Molly Bloom
Can I ask you a question? Are you playing “all in?” For the most part, we all know what to do.
We read books, watch countless YouTube videos, attend seminars, and listen to podcasts, all in an effort to improve.
So why is it that so many people give up on their dreams so early?
What is stopping them from moving forward and making progress?
I believe it’s 3 things:
1) The negative voices in our heads.
Our brain was designed to keep us safe. This means that when things get hard it’s going to try to talk us out of things and protect us. But to become the person we dream about, we have to shed our old selves and step into our new selves, which requires, new thoughts, new habits, and new actions.
Easier said than done. Think about the last time you tried a diet or stay consistent on a lead generation plan. For most people, as soon as things get hard they go back to their old ways.
Why? Because it’s easy.
Doing what is easy is holding you back.
2) Lack of intense action on the things that matter.
For some reason we stay doing what is comfortable, slowly pushing ourselves but never really “testing” ourselves with intense action over an extended period of time.
We know what we need to do, but instead, we read another book or watch another video because it’s easier to “get ready to get ready” instead of doing what is necessary.
What would life look like if you “tested” yourself, I mean really pushed yourself to a level you didn’t think was possible.
The very thing you have been avoiding is the dragon you need to slay.
3) Lack of consistency.
Changing your eating habits for a day is easy but staying committed for that first month is really really hard, until it’s not. Think about any progress or change you have ever accomplished in your life. It was hard at first and then over time it became normal. It became part of your new identity. Your goal is to stay consistent long enough to form new habits, new thoughts, and a new YOU!
So in summary playing “all in” means:
1) Doing what is hard even when your mind is telling you you can’t do it.
Think of all the hard things that you have been ignoring in your business around lead generation, finances, and people. Write down what you know you need to do and DO IT! Stop playing safe. Just F’nn do it and slay the dragon!
2) Focus with intense action on the 20% that gets you 80% of all the results.
In our business, that means becoming a master at sales, marketing, and service. If you master these three areas your business will thrive! This means you need to push yourself to a level you didn’t think was possible. Define that for yourself then go out and make it happen!
3) Show up consistently doing the hard things that matter.
Hard things, executed over time with a clear vision of what you are building and why you are building it will set you free in more ways than you can imagine.
Playing “all in” means there is no way out but through.
You know what you need to do. Face your dragon and go do it!
P.S. We all have dragons we need to slay. Thank you for reminding me of the dragons I need to slay to become the person I want to become.
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